The Best Cat Litter Box for Your Kitty

One of the main cat supplies that you will need is a cat litter box. The best litter box will be one that your cat likes and that you find easy to maintain. A few points to be considered are discussed below.

Size and Depth

For kittens cat boxes that are no more than three inches deep are recommended. For adult cats those that are about six inches high and at least 24 inches in length or width good. The prescribed area of the litter box is at least 24 inches in length or width.


Heavy plastic is the best material for a cat box and also happens to be the most inexpensive variety.

Ease of Cleaning

Basic flat boxes are simple to clean because of their design. Lids or covers do not have to be removed in order to scoop or clean. However, some cats kick litter out of the box which can be messy and undesirable if the box must be placed in a main living space. Covered boxes usually minimize the problem of having cat litter and waste scattered outside the box since they have hoods that keep all the litter inside. Unfortunately, covered boxes also tend to become smelly due to poor ventilation. Automatic cat litter boxes are another option. The self-cleaning feature of these boxes keeps the big chunks of litter removed, but they also require cleaning from the owner. The receptacle must be emptied of waste occasionally and scooping is still sometimes required.

Basic flat box

This is a simple rectangular pan which is commonly made of plastic. These come in various depths, sizes and colors. Cats generally like this type lof litter box the best. Some have rims to which liners can be secured.

Covered or hooded litter boxes

These cat litter boxes look like the traditional open-type rectangular pans except with a hood that covers the box. An opening is situated at one end which serves as the entrance and exit for the cat. The hood is also high enough for the cat to stand easily. While providing privacy for the pet, these litter boxes tend to get very smelly because of poor ventilation. Some variants have vents on top plus a filter which helps to trap odors.

Designer boxes

Also known as “hidden boxes”, this type disguises itself as a piece of furniture or other common household item. A designer litter box not only serves to be the cat’s convenient toilet but can also be a decorative accent for the room in which it is located. Be sure to choose one that has a large enough opening for your cat and adequate ventilation.

Sifting Cat Litter Box

The basic model consists of two rectangular pans and a tray which acts as a sifter. Other models may require tipping the box to one side to use the sifter.

Automatic Cat Litter Boxes

These battery-powered or electrical litter boxes have a sensor that activates the self-cleaning mechanism a few minutes after the cat has left the box. The cleaning machinery contains a rake which works its way through the litter to scoop out waste into a receptacle. The box and rake will still need occasional cleaning.


The basic flat box is the most affordable of all the designs mentioned. The self-cleaning box is obviously the most expensive and guarantees commonly last for only one year. Also, waste receptacles, filters, liners and other supplies can be an ongoing expense with some designs.

Cat Appeal

Cats generally prefer the open box type. Covered boxes offer the privacy which some cats like but other cats feel trapped inside them. Cats also prefer to use boxes that are in quiet areas so designer boxes in high traffic areas may not be used. As for the automated cat litter boxes, some fussy cats may find them comfy since they are clean and spacious. However, they may get frightened by the mechanical action if they happen to see it and refuse to use that box again.

To find the perfect cat litter box may require experimentation on the part of the owner. If a cat does not really like a litter box, he or she should not ibe forced to use it. Keep trying different types until you find the best one for your kitty.

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