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Did you know that cats are the most popular pet in the US? Yes, more people have feline companions that dogs. Even worldwide, kitties appear to be the most popular pets. What accounts for this popularity?

Cats and humans have been hanging out together for a long time since human and cat remains have been found together dating over 9500 years ago. The ancient Egyptians were known cat-lovers, too.

In earlier times, kitties were most often prized for their hunting abilities that kept the rodent population under control. Some dogs will also hunt vermin, but they also have a tendency to eat other food that might have been intended for their human friends.

In modern times, some cats are still kept for their mousing abilities. But, many more are family pets strictly for companionship. One reason for this is they are relatively small and non-threatening.

Another selling point for cats is their cleanliness. Felines keep themselves clean which means they rarely need a bath. They tend to be fastidious about toileting and like their surroundings kept orderly.

While kitties are known for their solitariness, they still need human attention and companionship if they are kept as pets. They tend to require a lot less attention than other pet varieties such as dogs.

Since indoor cats use litter boxes for elimination, owners with erratic schedules tend to choose felines since they don’t have to worry about being home at certain times to let a canine outside to use the bathroom.

Of course, the most important reason why people choose cats as pets is being loved by a kitty is very special. Since they don’t need as much companionship as dogs do, a feline who makes the choice to sit in your lap or play with you is making a statement about their bond with you since cats are happy hanging out by themselves. A kitty kiss, kneading paws and purring are enough to make anyone’s heart melt. Not to mention the cute, cuddly factor that felines naturally possess.

Cats are popular because they make wonderful companions and are relatively easy to care for. The cat-human bond is sure to throughout the centuries.

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How to Entertain Your Cat

Some people think that cats don’t need human attention. Most felines do need human interaction and plenty of cat toys to keep them occupied or they may entertain themselves by doing something that you don’t appreciate like unwinding the toilet paper roll or batting your expensive figurines across the floor. How can you keep your cat entertained?

First, you will need to spend time with your pet to see what types of toys and games he or she enjoys. Hanging out in the same room with you while you surf the net or do the dishes does not count as interaction. Try one type of toy at each play session to see which ones capture your kitty’s interest.

A good toy to start with is a wand toy since many felines like to pounce on moving targets or enjoy a game of chase. Windup toys like mice are another good option. Contraptions that you can hide treats in will help keep kitty mentally stimulated in attempts to free the treat. Many cats enjoy chasing after balls, and you can find some that make sounds for more fun. Think about natural feline behavior such as stalking and chasing prey and provide opportunities for your pet to mimic the behavior.

Watch which toys your cat favors, and try to buy similar toys. You can rotate toys by not having them all out at once as you would do with a small child to help keep kitty’s interest. Toys with strings or others that could potentially cause injury should be put up and only enjoyed during playtime with you. If a toy has small parts that could break off, do not ever give it to your cat as choking could happen even if you are supervising.

If you only have one kitty, consider getting another as a companion. This will provide hours of daily fun for both animals, but you will still need to take the time to play with each animal.

Keeping your cat entertained is very important. Your possessions won’t get destroyed, your pet will be happier, and you will reduce the chance of feline getting overweight.

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Categories : Cats General
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So You Want Another Cat

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Since cats are territorial creatures, bringing a new cat into your home can be problematic. The best scenario is to get two cats at the same time so that neither is infringing on the other’s territory. But what if you already have a cat?

When a kitten is introduced to the house of an older cat, you need to make sure not to neglect the older cat. This is extremely easy to forget when you’ve got a new kitten as people tend to fuss over kitten a lot more than older cats. The older cat may become jealous and start fighting with the new member of the family. This can lead to other cat behavior problems where a cat might decide to start urinating outside of the litter box, or it might stop eating and get sick.

If conflict arises, try to keep the cats apart for a time until they become used to one another. You can put their litter boxes in different areas of the house and keep the food dishes apart. Any time that one shows aggression to the other, calmly step in and prevent the battle from escalating.

By considering the feelings of the older cat, not neglecting it, giving it sufficient time and letting it know that it is still special, there is a better chance that the new kitten will be accepted by the established cat.

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Selecting a Cat Name

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If you are trying to choose a name for your cat, you will find all kinds of ideas on the internet. With all of the possibilities, how can you choose the best cat name?

Fifty percent of cats are named with human names. Often this is because the owner really likes a particular name and wants to christen something in their life with the name.

Personality or appearance are a good starting place for picking a name. Midnight for a black cat or Fluffy for a long-haired cat are common choices. Twenty percent of pet names are based on appearance or personality.

Remember that whatever name you choose will be a reflection of cat’s character along with your relationship with the cat. Since a name can give either a positive or negative impression, be careful to choose a name that will reflect well on your cat. For example, Porky may not be the best name for your pet, even if he or she is overweight. What if your cat slims down, and the name no longer fits? Drawing attention to negative characteristics could cause you to miss all of the positives.

Make sure that the name sounds good when you call it. You may not want to run around your home calling Pookie. Make sure that the name will grow with your cat. You might choose ‘Tiny’ for a kitten only to have the kitten grow up to be a huge tomcat.

Cats respond best to two-syllable names. If you choose a longer name, be prepared to use a shorter nickname as the call name.

You can also use your cat’s heritage as a source of names. An Asian name might be a good fit for a Siamese or a Russian name for a Russian Blue.

You might also select a name that reflects your hobbies or interests. If you like motorcycles, you might name your cat ‘Harley.’ You could also use names from your favorite movies, cartoons or bands.

Once you choose a name and begin using it, do not change the cat’s name. This would prove to be confusing to the cat as they may not comprehend that two different names can both refer to them.

Since a cat name will stay with your pet for a lifetime, be sure to take your time and pick a fitting name for your feline.

Tags: cat name
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Categories : Cats General
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Long Haired Cats

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cat products picture photo credit: akk_rus

Long hair cats are beautiful, but the extra maintenance and care required for these kitties can be a a lot of work. Find out some of the concerns with these furry felines before deciding if one if for you.

The long hair of these cats requires more grooming than their short-haired cousins because their hair can easily mat and become tangled. If care is not taken, the result can be clumps of hair that cannot be brushed out and have to be shaved off.

A visit to a professional groomer is often necessary because some parts of a cat’s body are difficult to brush effectively unless you have lots of experience in cat grooming. Some owners shave their cats during the shedding months, which usually at the end of winter and early spring. The full shave keep their houses from being overwhelmed with cat hair while also creating a chance to grow in a new coat that does not have any tangles or mats. Unfortunately, cats usually do not like to have their coat shaved off and may become very angry as a result.

Folk wisdom says that long haired cats trigger allergies in humans more easily than short haired cats. Usually, allergies are triggered by the dander in a cat’s hair, and not by the actual hair itself. Some short haired cats may provoke more severe allergies in some people than long haired cats.

Although most people find long haired cats to be gorgeous, they may not find the hairs left behind by the long haired cat to be as beautiful. Keeping your cat well groomed will help reduce stray hairs laying around the house and on your clothes, but you will probably need to invest in some lint rollers to place around your house to rid your clothes of hair before heading out your door.

Before bringing home a long haired cat, make sure that you are able to meet the grooming requirements, and that you are able to deal with a certain amount of long cat hairs appearing throughout your home and even on you.

Tags: long haired cats, long haired cat
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Categories : Cats General
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