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Archive for Cat Breeds

Which Cat Breed Should You Choose?

If you have decided to get a purebred cat, you have many breeds from which to choose. Find out some characteristics of popular breeds to help pick the best feline for you. Bear in mind that these traits are generalities for the different breeds. The behavior of individual cats can differ markedly from known breed standards.

Do you want a breed that is friendly to strangers? An Abyssinian would be a good bet in this case. For homes with kids, an American Shorthair or Ragdoll would be good. Maine Coons are especially good with other cats unlike most kitties who would really prefer to be the only feline in the house.

Do you have time to devote to grooming? If so, you might like a Persian or Angora for their beautiful flowing coats. Daily brushes and frequent bathings are a must with these kitties. If you prefer a lower-maintenance pet, then get a short-haired variety.

Do you want an energetic cat or one that prefers to bask in a sunny spot? Burmese, Abyssinians, and Bengals are very lively animals that needs lots of playing space. Ragdolls, Bombays, and Russian Blues tend to be more docile and quiet.

Check for any diseases known to occur in specific breeds. For example, Maine Coons have a higher rate of cardiomyopathy while Persians are known for respiratory issues. If you are considering a cat from a breed that does have genetic issues, be sure to ask for documentation that the cat’s lineage has been free from the disorder, or you may want to get testing for your potential pet if this is feasible for that particular medical condition.

Before purchasing a purebred cat, be sure to research the breed characteristics and consider how they will fit in with your lifestyle before you decide on your new pet.

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How Cat Breeds are Started

Have you ever wondered how a new breed of cat is developed? Find out the two ways that new feline breeds come into existence.

The first way is by a breeder consciously choosing to cross two different breeds. One example is the Himalayan which has the coat of a Persian combined with the coloring points of a Siamese. The California Spangled cat is another example of a carefully produced cat that has predominantly Bengal cat origins.

The second way is through spontaneous mutations. For example, the Scottish Fold cat can give birth to normal kittens along with those that carry the fold gene. Munchkin cats have short legs and a normal body while the La Perm breed has a spontaneous mutation that causes kittens to have beautiful curly coats.

While a new breed of cat may be attractive, care needs to be taken to make sure that other genetic abnormalities are not present. The Munchkin cat’s short legs may be accompanied by curvature of the spine which is not healthy.

Getting recognition of a new breed can take a long time. Usually, the first step if submitting an application for registration, which includes a breed standard and details of several specimens of the new breed. The breeder must demonstrate that the new breed is different than any other existing breed and why recognizing the new breed would be advantageous to the cat community. After this process, the breeders will increase the number of felines registered to the breed and establish a breed club.

While establishing a new breed can be hard work and take a lot of record-keeping, the end results can be very rewarding, and cat fanciers are indebted to these pioneers.

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Ragdoll cats

Ragdoll cats are a relatively new breed but have gained popularity rapidly. The breed originated in California during the 1960s. They have distinct personalities that differ in some ways from the average cat. Find out if a ragdoll is for you.

The breed’s name comes from the way these cats behave when handled. They tend to go limp like a ragdoll and allow people to cuddle and handle them in different positions.

Ragdolls are very easygoing, gentle and sociable. They like people and are very friendly. While they can be playful, they tend not be as energetic as many other cats. They don’t tend to be climbers, nor do they enjoy frequent romps through the house.

These traits make them ideal indoor cats, especially for living in small spaces. They do not fare well as outdoor cats since they are not aggressive.

Ragdolls are also very intelligent and easy to train. Some learn to walk on leashes, fetch toys or do other tricks. They are eager to please their owners unlike many cats.

Unlike some breeds, ragdolls do not tend to vocalize much. Although, they will be sure to let you know if they want something such as to be fed.

Their coats resemble rabbit fur and is very soft to the touch. They don’t shed much, nor do they require much grooming which also adds to their appeal.

Ragdoll cats are a wonderful cat breed that are especially suited to elderly owners, people with quiet, gentle dispositions, or those with small residences.

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The Top Cat Breeds

Are you thinking about buying a purebred cat? Maybe you want one because the temperament is more predictable. Or, you may just want to be assured that the cat you choose will look a certain way as an adult. You may even be interested in showing or breeding. Find out characteristics of the top cat breeds.


Persians have loving personalities, long, beautiful coats, and can easily blend into your family. They are the most popular breed of purebred cat. But, the coat does require daily grooming to avoid mats.

Maine Coon

Another long-haired breed. These cats are great mousers and are really good with children. They are a fairly large cat breed.


Siamese cats orginate from Thailand which is formerly known as Siam. This breed features an aristrocratic look and a short coat. They also have long bodies, legs and necks.


Abyssinia is now known as Ethiopia. But, the breed’s name comes from the first cats of the breed which were exhibited in England, came from Abyssinia. This cat has a very elegant look and are very active.

persian, cat, siamese, cats, maine coon, abyssinian
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Learn More About Siberian Cats

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cat products picture photo credit: altemark

Siberian cats are the Russian national cat and were first brought to the United States in 1990. They are still fairly rare in the U.S., and purchasing one usually involves a wait for the cat to arrive. In their native land, these cats were used to control the rat population and mainly lived outdoors.

The Siberian cat coat is adaptive for the harsh Russian winters. The fur is semi-long haired including a dense undercoat and a slightly oily outer coat. The oil repels moisture, and the layered coat keeps the wind out. These felines also have a thick ruff, large paws with fur underneath, and tufted ears all of which help provide insulation from the cold. They have a bushy tail that acts as a blanket when they curl up to sleep.

The Siberian cat is known for its round head and eyes and deep-barreled chest and large round paws. You can find these cats in all different color combinations. The Siberian cat takes up to five years to reach full maturity at which time they are well muscled and have a heavy build. Other features include a round head and eyes, large, round paws and a deep-barreled chest. Taking up to five years to reach maturity, they are muscular and heavily-built.

Siberian cats are quiet and express themselves softly with thrills, chirps, mews and purring. They are very affectionate, playful, and loyal to their owners. Their personalities are often likened to that of a dog. Siberians love to sit in their owner’s lap to get groomed. They are extremely athletic and excel at hunting, jumping, climbing, and swimming.

Grooming involves a brushing once weekly except for during the colder months when the coat thickens. One huge advantage for some potential owners is that these cats have a low level of the FEL D-1 protein in its saliva and fur and does not shed dander, which may make it possible for those with allergies to tolerate this breed.

Siberians have no known health issues beyond those normally seen in felines. Their average-sized litter is five kittens. By twelve weeks old, the kittens are ready to be adopted.

Siberian cats, though rare, make a great pet for those who are willing to put forth the effort to find one, especially for those who have not been able to have cats in their homes in the past due to allergies.

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Categories : Cat Breeds
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