Should You Declaw Your Cat

Claws are essential to cats as they use them for many purposes. They use them for balance and for jumping and pulling themselves onto objects. Felines also use their claws for walking, running, and stretching along with defending themselves. Sadly, many owners choose to declaw their cats.

Cats also use their claws for covering their waste after using the bathroom and mark their territory. Claws contain glands which secrete a substance detectable by other cats that is left on objects that the feline scratches.

Declawing a cat can change its personality. The cat may not be able to jump onto the high places he or she favored before. Some get aggressive and start biting to make up for the missing claws. Others will often be found staring in puzzlement at their feet for the rest of their lives wondering where their claws went.

Cat owners need to understand that cats will scratch on occasion, and if this is a major concern, then another pet might be more appropriate.

Claw removal is a surgical procedure, and any such procedure involves risks. If you feel you must declaw your pet, at least make sure that a laser is used since this is less painful to the cat than traditional methods.

You can find other ways to keep your pet from destroying your carpet and furniture. For instance, train your cat to use scratching posts and toys. Nail covers that are glued on over the claws are another option, and they can be very attractive as they come in many colors.

Before you declaw your cat, try training your cat or using nail covers. Since declawing has many drawbacks, consider this option when your only other recourse is to give away the cat.

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