Persian Cat Care

Persian cats are very popular due to their beautiful long-haired coats and gentle personalities. Unlike breeds such as the Siamese, Persians need little attention. Although the most famous coat color is white, many other colors can be found. During competitions, seven color divisions are used including solid, tabby, silver and gold,shaded and smoke, particolor, Himalayan and bicolor.

Coat care is a major aspect when dealing with Persians. This breed should not be let outside to avoid damage to their coats.Although many cats can maintain their coats with little human intervention, Persians require a daily brushing of their long, dense coats with a metal comb to prevent tangles. Tangled coats can lead to hairballs along with potential issues of the coat getting so tangled that cutting that beautiful coat is required. Regular bathing is also a necessity, and this is best started when the cat is young to get him or her used to the baths.

Particular attention should be paid to the Persian's eyes. Since the eyes are so large, many of these cats cannot keep the eye area clean. Be sure to help your cat keep this area clean, and have your vet check your cat's eyes yearly.

Persians are not active cats. Although they enjoy playing, climbing and jumping are not major pastimes. This breed prefers laying in the sun to getting into mischief. Gentle with all including children, Persians love attention and admiration. Their voices are pleasant and they use vocal sounds to communicate with their owners.

Persians can live for twenty years if cared for properly. Annual veterinary examinations are a must.

The Persian breed can be excellent for those who are willing to devote time to daily grooming of gorgeous coats but who do not want an active cat.

Visit the Persian cat store for apparel, decorative items, and more featuring Persians.

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